Lifetime Dream Complete

A Mental Health Moment - Chapter 2

  1.  Lifelong Dream Write a Book - Complete!

I have wanted to be a Doctor since I was little, but achieving this dream did not come easy. I was denied by every med school the first year I applied. I drove Uber, worked a catering van, and saved up to reapply. I took the MCAT multiple times. I NEVER gave up, even when the odds were stacked against me. In 2016 I was finally accepted to med school!  

Growing up, I never heard a Doctor talk about mental health, especially their own. So when I began experiencing mental health issues in medical school, I suffered in silence due to the stigma that doctors don't seek help.

In 2021, I graduated med school with my best friend Ari, who later became my wife. We matched into the same residency program in Miami. I became the first physician in my family. My dreams were all coming true!

But a few months into residency, my symptoms returned and I became depressed. This time, I decided to reach out for help. I went to therapy. I saw a Psychiatrist. As the months progressed, I started to feel like myself again. I decided to share my story about mental health to help others feel less alone. That post reached over 10 MILLION people.

Along my journey, I couldn't escape the thought that I wished I had the chance to learn about mental health as a kid. It was time to change the narrative on mental illness for the future generation!

I decided to team up with my friends Dr Brandon and Dr Betty to write a groundbreaking new children’s book that would introduce kids to the world of mental health and teach them that seeking help for their mental health is a sign of STRENGTH.

Introducing Psychiatry For Kids, a book written by doctors that teaches kids that their MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS

Our goal was to write a book that empowers the next generation to learn about mental health and smash stigma. And because of your support, we are getting this book in front of kids everywhere! We even broke into the best seller list in 2 categories (Science For Kids & Psychiatry). We are beyond grateful. Psychiatry For Kids is available now HERE