My Grandma's 100th - Tips For a Long Life

A Mental Health Moment - Week 20

Happy Sunday friends!

Thank you to everyone who answered the poll last week. You all gave me some great feedback for the future of the newsletter.

Last week, I returned to Philadelphia, PA with my fam. My wife & I lived in Philly for 4 years while attending medical school. I loved Philly, but hated the cold winters… hence why we live in Miami now. This trip to Philly was all about seeing my Grandma and celebrating her 100th birthday!

I’ve always been fascinated by how people can live long and healthy lives. I’ve even explored two Blue Zones (places where people live the longest in the world, including the island of Sardinia, Italy, where my wife’s grandparents live)

Ari’s grandparents in their 90’s

Throughout my medical career, I’ve had the privilege of taking care of many people in their mid to late 90’s, and I always ask them their secret to a long life. I’ve jotted down all of their answers in my note section of my phone, and it’s been such a joy collecting these. However I never had the opportunity to interview someone who’s 100, until now… 😀 

Today I'm excited to share some timeless wisdom with you, inspired by my remarkable Grandma (a.k.a. Bubbie), who is turning ONE HUNDRED… ONE CENTURY!

Bubbie rockin’ the tiara

Me: “Bubbie, how old are you turning?

Bubbie: “100.”

Me: “What are the most important lessons you learned during your life?”


  1. “Mind Your Own Business” 

    Do you ever compare your life to others? This is normal and common, don’t worry. Sometimes it can feel like our social media pages are filled with people living seemingly perfect lives with their seemingly perfect friends and families. Friendly reminder that most of this perfection we see isn’t real and it’s absolutely okay to unfollow anyone who makes you feel bad about yourself. The number one theme throughout our interview was that my grandma did NOT compare her life to others. And she told me the secret to a long life is to “mind your own business.” I really like the way my friend Julian phrased it in this comment:

  2. “Take Care of Your Body” 

    My grandma’s secret to living to 100? A healthy-ISH lifestyle. She exercised late into her 90’s, riding a stationary bicycle every day. She never smoked cigarettes or drank alcohol. She had regular dental check-ups and doctor's visits (she still uses a water-pik dental flosser daily and brushes her teeth 3x a day). With that said, her diet was not what I predicted for someone who has lived a century. I was surprised to find that she did not eat a lot of vegetables or fruits (just 1-2 servings a day at most) throughout her life. She does not drink a lot of water. And she frequently consumed microwavable meals and oftentimes skipped breakfast entirely. Not sure what to make of this…

  3. “Be Kind to Your Partner” 

    My Grandma and Grandpa were married for many years and raised two children. She nursed my Grandpa through cancer and stayed by his side in sickness and health. He passed away when I was young. Through it all, they remained kind to each other.

  4. “Take It Day By Day” 

    There are good and bad times in life. She was born during the Great Depression. She remembers Pearl Harbor. Her husband fought in World War 2. This to shall pass. Her advice to me was to live life day by day. By adopting a mindset of patience, we can lower stress and learn to appreciate the little things in life.

  5. “Make Your Own Happiness”

    This one really hit. When I asked how how we find happiness in life she told me, “you have to make it own your own”. Find what makes you happy, whether thats a sport, a hobby, relaxing in nature, or your pets.

Closing Thoughts  

If you are fortunate enough to still have grandparents, this is your sign to give them a call today. Ask them about their life. They are full of wisdom and that call just might make their day or their week.

See y’all next week 🙂 


My Favorite Things

Each week, I’ll include a few of my favorite things. Feel free to send me your favorite recipe, gift idea, book, etc and I may even feature it here. Just respond to this email!

Recipe of the week - My grandma’s favorite food is white fish salad! It may not be the healthiest meal, but in honor of her I’m featuring it today. Recipe here.

Item of the week - Even in her older years, my grandma stayed physically active. I always remember her using a bike peddler while she sat on the couch or at the table. There are hundreds to choose from, and some even mimic an elliptical machine or the Stairmaster, but she always had one like this.

Person to follow this week - One of the biggest indicators of living longer is DIET. Follow themediterraneandish for some amazing healthy recipes!

Book to read this week - If you are interested in learning more about the world's longest living communities, this book is for you! You can get “The Blue Zones Secrets for Living Longer: Lessons From the Healthiest Places on Earth” here

Dr. Goodman’s Psychiatry tip of the week - If you see someone over the age of 90, ask them what their secret to long life is. You’ll get some fascinating answers.

Disclaimer: These emails do not assume a doctor-patient relationship and my information is not intended to substitute for medical advice. I offer science-backed educational information aimed at empowering you to live your best life. Always consult your personal doctor before starting any treatment. My newsletter will always be free.